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(Copyright free music for creators.)
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Track: Dance with me all night - HeyMan Sounds
Music provided by HeyMan Sounds https://youtube.com/@heymansounds1
✔️무료 사용 가능 범위 : 유튜브, 페이스북, 인스타그램, 틱톡, 카카오TV, 네이버블로그, 네이버TV(나머지는 문의)
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✔️무료 사용시 수익창출 허용범위 : 구독자 및 조회수에 의한 광고수익
❌무료 사용 범위에 해당 하더라도, 수익 창출 범위를 넘어선 "영리활동"과 관련된 경우는 무료사용이 불가능합니다.
❌콘텐츠의 목적이 사업체, 기관, 단체, 상품등의 홍보를 목적으로 제작된 영상에는 사용불가
❌음악 감상용도 및 명상 용도의 콘텐츠에서의 사용 금지
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⚠️ 음원을 독립적으로 게시하거나 음악, 음반 형태로 판매하는 행위, 음원을 발표하는 행위 금지
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⚠️ 이 영상(음악)은 HeyMan Sounds가 제작 했으며, 영상(음악)의 무단 업로드를 금지합니다.
⚠️영상을 공유하실 땐 유튜브 링크를 사용해주세요.
✔️Available for free use: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Kakao TV, Naver Blog, Naver TV (Contact us for the rest)
✔️Required conditions for free use: Display of source and link in the user's video post
✔️Permitted scope of monetization for free use: Advertising revenue based on subscribers and views
❌Even if it falls within the scope of free use, free use is not possible if it is related to "profit activities" that go beyond the scope of monetization.
❌It cannot be used in videos produced for the purpose of promoting businesses, organizations, groups, products, etc.
❌It cannot be used in content for music appreciation and meditation purposes
❌Contest, advertisement, movie, and web drama content cannot be used for free (Contact us)
⚠️ Transferring and copying the sound source to others such as individuals, groups, companies, or sharing & uploading it to public places is prohibited.
⚠️ Independently posting the sound source, selling it in the form of music or albums, or releasing the sound source is prohibited.
⚠️ If you use it without indicating the source or use it without permission outside the scope of free use, you may be subject to legal responsibility if caught.
⚠️ This video (music) was produced by HeyMan Sounds, and unauthorized uploading of the video (music) is prohibited.
⚠️ Please use the YouTube link when sharing the video.
HeyMan Sounds
Copyright-free music for creators & interesting stories Contact Us : praise1121@hotmail.com
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